Friday, June 5, 2009

A whole lotta everything

This post is a bunch of random pictures of random events over the last couple of weeks. Sorry it is soo...well... random!"

My nephew Tyler graduated from Canyon View H.S. on my birthday May 22. We headed down for the celebration. Congrats Tyler...we are so proud of you! Anyone who can survive High School these days is a hero in my book! Here are a few pictures of that trip:

I loved their gowns...they were such a unique color!

Tyson wanted to wear the cap, because he "graduated" from 2nd grade!

Brian's Grandpa who just turned 90 drove up. Doesn't he look great!

I absolutely love where we live! We have streams for endless playing in, the hot springs pool, which we swim in all year round, and beautiful mountains that surround us. Although we moved from this neighborhood, we still have friends who let us borrow their key so, Heather and I took the kids in for a day of playing, swimming, mud playing, and volleyball playing. A great time was had by all!

A little volleyball to start off the day!

"Mud Magnets!"

Cleaning up in the warm stream water! Feels good!

These boys were up to NO GOOD! But having a LOT of fun!

Sydney chillin'...I mean "roastin'!"

Next up was our trip to the Mount Oquirrh temple open house. It was a lot different than the Draper temple, but equally as beautiful. The Draper temple had beautiful hardwood and woodwork throughout, but the Mt. Oquirrh had beautiful stone/travertine (sp?) throughout. We are so lucky to live by so many temples. There is NO EXCUSES to not be attending regularly. We now have 3 temples within 20 min drive, and about 6 within an hour!

Isn't IT beautiful?

Aren't THEY beautiful! I am not biased AT ALL!

Summer swim has also started. Fun times dragging the children out of bed at 6:30a.m. during the summer. They swim M-F for 2 hours (minus Tyson who only swims for 1 hour) and on M, W, F, they swim for 2 hours then run for 45 min. Nothing like boot camp over the summer to whip the kids in shape!Man they are sleeping GOOD at night though! They are exhausted! Hopefully there will be a meet coming up soon for me to post about. I have actually missed swim meets. Wasn't sure I would ever say that. Brian and Tyson have been sick the last few days, so we've been taking it easy. Brian is on the mend, and back to working. A camping trip and Washington trip are on the agenda next.
Happy Birthday to my Mommy today. She seriously is the BEST! I love you Mom. I won't tell you how old she is...but I will tell you that she looks WAY younger than she actually is. Must be the Grandma B. genes in her! Hope you have a great day Toots (as my Dad calls her)! You deserve it!


Heather said...

Very Random post indeed- but great! Cute pics of the boys- I might have to get those from ya. Glad Brian and Tys are feeling better- hopefully none of the rest of your family gets it :)

Brenda said...

Great post Nellis. That temple is gorgeous but pales next to my nieces and nephew.

Louise said...

Thanks Holly. You're too kind. Great pictures, wish we were closer!

Becky Noftle said...

Happy Birthday Toots.

Jon and Nicole said...

You have such a cute family! I know that you probably really miss your old neighborhood, but we are so happy to have you here. Is it bad that I hope your house doesn't sell, so you don't move away? It's fun to see you in primary as well!