Monday, June 30, 2008

13 Years!!

I want to blog today about my sweetie, whom I have been married to for 13 years today!! Happy Anniversary hottie! I don't want anyone to gag, or feel I will keep it fairly un-mushy!! I am sooo lucky to be married to my very best friend. Brian is absolutely perfect for me...and I hope he feels the same about me. I think he does...anyway, the last 13 years have had their ups and downs like any marriage, but thankfully, we've weathered the storms of life and are now sitting under the rainbow enjoying the view. I love Brian with all my heart, and am so grateful to get to spend eternity with him. He is so patient, compassionate, hard working, and HOT!! I love you Bri!! Happy 13 years!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kylies Screensaver

This cracked me up. Kylie is frequently changing her screen on the computer. Dolphins, Corbin Bleu, David Archuletta etc.....but today this is what I found. Can anyone guess Kylies favorite treat?

Thursday, June 19, 2008


So with me starting to work from home in 11 days (who's counting??) we decided to finish the rest of the basement too. This only consists of my office, a bedroom for Kylie, and a bathroom. Kylie is beside herself with excitement as you can imagine!! She has been sitting on a chair in her "future room" supervising every move that Brian makes. I think she might be driving Brian crazy...but so far he has been very patient with her...just having her be the go-to girl to fetch all his tools. Those two have always been inseparable! are a few pictures and also a fun night of fishing off the dock on Utah Lake. Brians dad caught the hugest catfish I have ever seen. It was as big as my dog. GROSS...I'm going to think twice before I get on the wake board again!

Friday, June 13, 2008

$300 loaf of Bread

So yesterday I had the great idea to bake some bread. The recipe I had actually made 4 loaves. So with the first two loaves Tyson and I (if I am in the kitchen, you better believe Tyson is right there with me!) made cream cheese braids. Yummy! The third loaf we made pizza. Then by the time I was ready for the last loaf...Tyson had played so much with it that I decided to let him just have it and keep tossing it around and playing with it like play dough. I was pretty sure we had enough carbs in the house for a while! Well I could tell this was going to get messy so I sent him outside to do the tossing. When he was done he apparently left it outside, and the puppy got into it. She ate about half the loaf before we realized what had happened. I honestly didn't think much of it and we left the house for a couple hours. When we came back Tyson picked up Ruby to play and I hear him panic "Mom...I think Ruby is dead." This of course sent the panic to the girls and they are freaking out! I look over and Ruby is like a little rag doll. She can't even hold her head up. She is limp all over, and when we set her on all 4 legs, she collapses immediately. Oh creike! So we rush her into the emergency pet hospital because naturally it is 5:30 and our vet closes at 5p.m. They tell us that she has alcohol poisoning from the yeast fermenting, and her stomach is all distended and stretched from the rising dough. It could shut down everything. He says she has a 50/50 chance of making it through the night. She was too unstable to even have surgery...he didn't think she would make it through that. My kids are all bawling hysterically, and I am fighting back the tears too...but am trying to remain calm for the kids sake. Anyway...Ruby got to stay the night at the hospital on i.v. fluids, with several enemas...and catheters. We prayed hard for her, and this morning when I went to the hospital to go check on her...she was as if nothing had happened. Good as new. Apparently she pooped straight bread dough all night long. Then came the bill... $300. I'll pay $300 any day of the week to have someone deal with bread dough poop all night!

See where her leg was shaved for the i.v.?? How sad!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Summer Fun!!

So I've been a bit of a blogging slacker since school got out. Not that I've been lazy...oh no...just having way to much fun to stop and blog! First on the summer list for me was Youth Conference. We went rafting down the Green River for 3 days. What a total blast we had! No one drowned so that was a bonus! I had never been before and I LOVED it! A little nervous at first, but then ended up relaxing and having fun. Most the rapids were class 2 but we went over one class 3. I was happy with the class 2, thank you very much! Thanks to Gma and Gpa Wade for watching the kids for a week so I could go, and kudos to the Bishop for rowing the "princess boat" for all of us female leaders so we could sit back and enjoy the sunshine! Sorry the YC pictures are of strangers...I didn't get any with me in them. Summer swim team is in full force and we are still waiting for those a.m. temps to climb a little. The kids swim at 7:30 and yesterday it was 43deg. YIKES! It is sopposed to get up to 90 by this we are ready for that. The kids are swimming in a long course pool which is twice the length they were used to swimming indoors. Can you say exhausted kids at bed time? It's a beautiful thing! Brian has been out of town since school got out so we are ready for him to come home this weekend, and we can start the summer as a family finally! HOORAY! The basement flood is almost repaired and I am getting very close to working from home. Can't wait! Well, thats a quick summary of what we've been up to. Just a lot of summer fun!