Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sydneys Birthday

So the project is complete and we couldn't be happier! It was a LOT of work...but I think it turned out cute! We took down wall paper, painted, and poka dotted Sydneys room. She picked out everything...from the paint colors, to the bedding, and I think she did a great job! Here are some pictures of her school party, and build a bear workshop she went to with Grandma and Grandpa Wade. It was a great weekend!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Happy 10th Birthday Sydney!

I can't believe my little Sydney is 10 years old today. She is the sweetest daughter a parent could ask for. Here are a few of my favorite things about Sydney...and some cute pictures of her. Sorry no baby pictures..I didn't have a digital camera back then! And I know someday I need to figure out how to do a slide show...or at least be willing to try!

1. My BEST sleeper! She is begging to go to bed at night..and would sleep all day if you let her!
2. SOO SOO SWEET! Sydney wants everyone to be happy, and makes sure they matter what!
3. I love how sensitive she is...she has a very tender heart and her feelings can easily be hurt. She hates it if anyone is mad at her.
4. She has a very strong testimony and understanding of the Gospel.
5. Her sister is her best friend...she is so good to Kylie. (Tyson too!)
6. She is a mamas girl!!
7. She is a good student...takes her school work seriously and wants to do good.
8. She includes others...once at school her teacher told me how a new little girl just came from Brazil and didn't speak any English...she said Sydney took her under her wing and was her mentor and good friend at school. Again...soooo sweet!
9. She is such a good swimmer and gymnast...but most of all she is a good sport!
10. I LOVE Sydneys laugh. It makes my day.
11. She is my best helper.... If anything needs to be done, Sydney is ON IT! Most of the time without being asked, or at least only once!
12. She keeps her room clean! (until Kylie comes to visit!)
I could go on forever about this darling daughter. I love her so much and am so thankful she is part of our family. Happy Birthday Sydney!

He made it!

So Tyson has been swimming on the pre- competition team since all the kids started in October. He wasn't legal in his breast stroke, and all the other stokes needed work too. So yesterday his coach moved him up to the competition team. He made it! He is sooo excited he can hardly stand still. Literally jumping up and down all night! What Tyson...he never gets jumpy. Once my dad paid him $5 to hold still for 5 minutes. He made it...although it wasn't easy for him..but his love of money pulled him through! Anyway, he has his first meet here in Lehi at our pool on Feb 2nd. He is competing in the 50 freestyle and the 50 butterfly. Surely he will take last place in every event...but he could care less. He is soo excited...I just had to share his good news!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Fishing, bonding, and a bad hair cut

So I know I just posted yesterday and it is very unlike me to post more than once a month...but it was a pretty nutso day at our house. #1- Kylie's mouth ran into Sydneys head last night about 10p.m. Knocked her front permanent tooth completely loose. She also cut the heck out of her lip. Poor thing, it took over an hour to stop bleeding. Once it did, and we could survey the damage, we got ahold of an emergency dentist who said she should be fine to wait until this morning to be seen. So she went in and had it "bonded". It is a cute yellowish looking stripe across her front four teeth to strengthen the loose one until it gets tighter. She loves her new look, good thing because it is with her for 3 weeks! As you can imagine, Kylie remained calm during the entire ordeal. #2 Brian and Tyson went fishing after we got 8" snow last night. Crazy dudes! They had a blast and caught about 30 fish right off our dock at Utah Lake! Mostly Perch and white bass. Brian is in the process of a fish fry right now. Apparently we all get to starve tonight because I am pretty sure he is the only one eating that crap! #3 My dogs hair was driving me crazy last night and when I called her groomer, she couldn't get her in for a I thought " how hard could it really be?" Well...harder than you think! My poor puppy looks awful, and I feel like an idiot! In my defense, I got interrupted right in the middle of my master piece with "Mom I knocked my tooth out!" Oh well...we'll just keep the puppy inside until we can keep that appointment next week that I was too impaient to wait for! Fishing, bonding, and a bad hair cut. What more could you ask for on a day off from school?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Date Night!

Soo fun! Yesterday Tyson and I had a date night, and Brian and the girls had a date night. It was such a great time. The only camera could only go one I only have pictures of me and Tysons date. Brian took the girls to Cafe Rio for dinner then to see a movie. After the movie they went to ice cream. They said they had a wonderful time and loved the movie they saw "The Game Plan." Brian said it was the perfect movie for the occasion because it was about a dad and daughter. I am so gratefuly for how close Brian is to our girls. They have a very special relationship, and love their dad sooo much. They always have so much FUN when dad is around. He lights up the house when he comes home. He knows just what to do when my hormones get in the way of being rational with the girls' hormones. More often than not, he is the one calming the girls down if they get too emotional. (I have NO idea where the get emotional genes from. I am going to blame it on Aunt Brenda.) Anyway, thanks for being such a GREAT Dad and husband Brian...I love you! And the kids LOVE you more than words can say.

Tyson and I went to lunch, then to the Dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Point. To say the least...Tyson LOVED it. So much in fact, we were ther for 5...YES 5 HOURS!!! We learned a lot about dinosaurs, dug for dinosaur bones, played dinosaur computer games, and watched a 3-D movie at the imax theatre there. Then we had ice cream and called it a day. I love this little guy so much. I am so thankful for how sweet he is to me, and how great I feel when I am with him. Thanks for a great date night everyone!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Merry Christmas...a little late!

So, now that it's well into the New Year I am going to finally post my Christmas blog. We have been out of town from the 26th to the 4th. So thats my excuse. We had a wonderful Christmas, and a great trip to Washington to visit the family. The cousins had a blast, and they actually got a long really well. The way home was took us 18 hours with 2 road closures to wait out (6 hours of waiting to be exact) and 7 upside down semi trucks along the way. Major high winds, snow, rain, and just about anything else you could think of. We made it though and are excited for 2008. It'll be great! My Christmas cards are done, addressed, and just waiting to be sent. It'll get done...just no promises on when!