Sunday, October 28, 2007

Just another week....

So, absolutely nothing exciting happened this week. Just another week. I guess that is a good thing. I have tried 3 times to do a slide show...and as I am just about finished I get an error and my whole computer shuts down. I am done trying that for now. Advice anyone? Sydney got passed off to Level III gymnastics. Way to go Sydney! She really is a natural! Kylie is getting ready for her first swim meet. It is middle of November. She is getting stronger everyday and it is so fun to watch her improve, and push her limits each week. Wednesdays is their "land day" and they run 3 miles, do 100 pushups, 50 sit ups, and do stairs for 20 min. You should have seen her the first week. Her teammates were calling her an indian because her face was so red. She is still red at the end of land day, but much less red! Tyson sat very reverently during the primary program today, so that was his big accomplishment for the week. Me...well, I got my hours in at work, had 3 YW meetings, sat at the Legacy Pool for 9 hours this week, and got caught up on laundry, for about an hour. Pretty good week, I have to say. We can't wait for the Holidays to see all the family. We miss everyone! But for now, we are happy to enjoy... just another week.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Best snow of the year!

The first snow of the year is always the best. The kids are excited, it is beautiful, and the best part only lasts a few hours and its gone!! Two blogs in two days. I'm officially off for like 2 weeks now !

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Bashing' in Boise!

Becky, Courtney, Mom, Heather and I, and about 12 orphans we found on the way, met in Boise over UEA weekend. It was great fun to see everyone...BUT have you ever tried to actually go anywhere with 12 kids? A little bit of a joke I might say. About the only place we fit in was chuck-e-cheese because nobody saw how many kids we had claim of. There were just hundreds Add Imagerunning wild...ours were a mild 10% of the pack. The mall was a real treat...and so was Old Navy. We got a few stares, but nothing we aren't used to getting even without the kids. See...usually when all the sisters get together one of us ends up getting a new pair of pants because we've laughed so hard that someone ALWAYS has an accident. Usually one of the twins, I will admit. Fun times! I was at Taco Bell the other day when these 5 women and a huge long line of kids come pouring into the place. I was dying at how many kids there were in this one group. It was total chaos trying to get every ones orders and then find a place to sit. Then I counted them...12 kids 5 mothers. Now I know how ridiculous we looked. Somehow we didn't seem as crazy...but I am sure we were 10 times as wild! The kids had a blast though...and we had no damage charges to our hotel. That always makes for a successful weekend! One near drowning was the worst of our drama. ( It was Avery...Courtney jumped in fully clothed and saved her just in time). Never mind she had to go bra-less the rest of the day...she truly was a hero! Avery burped and cried for a minute and then was back in the pool in about 2 minutes. I am really wishing I had a picture of Courtney soaking was classic. I am sure the hotel was ready for us to leave...but we could have stayed forever! Thanks for a great weekend everyone! Next year is Moms only...Brenda get your bags packed now we aren't going without you!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Broken or not Broken? That is the Question!

Ok...the story of my maybe broken nose. I never actually went to the I dont know for sure if it is broken...but everyone that saw it right after it happened said they thought it looked broken. Anyway...I just pulled up to Tyson's soccer game last saturday morning. Let me set the scene for you...36 degrees outside and pouring rain...sleet. FREEZING cold...literally. I decide to get his coat out of the trunk (Becky says its called a tail whatever) of the van when I hurry and shut it...right down on my nose. I almost passed out. It hurt like last year when I fell down my stairs and broke by foot (apparently I am a little clutsy...who knew?) takes the breath right out of you. I had to get back in the car and just sit for a few minutes because I almost started to cry. So immediately it swells huge and turns blue...and one side is totally crooked. It looked terrible. Everyone at the game coudln't believe I was actually going to stay and watch Tyson play...but Brian was at work so I really had no choice. Anyway after an hour and 15 minutes of standing ouit in the FREEZING rain (hail a few times) my nose looked totally better...the swelling had gone down...and didn't look quite as crooked. It was like having the worlds coldest ice pack on for an hour right after the injury! I think the cold weather was a blessing in this case! did bruise and swell under my eyes, especially under one eye. Anyway...It has been almost a week and it is now to the yellowish greenish bruise stage. You can bairly see it anymore. I really should have done it a few days ago. I do think the one side still looks a little crooked. What do you think? Anyway, here you go. Me in all my glory, no makeup and looking HOT! P.S. Look at Tysons sliding makes him look like he is good. Really, he just likes to slide and fall to the ground and get dirty! Makes for a good picture though!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

1st Grade Fieldtrip Day!!!

Tyson and Jellyfish..they were soo cool! Watch out! Theres a shark behind you Tyson!
A little nervous to touch the sting rays. "Do they sting, mom?"

Our fun little group..only one wanderer in the bunch...not bad!

Today was a day Tyson has been looking forward to for weeks! A fieldtrip followed by 5 days of
NO SCHOOL! I'll have to admit I was as excited as he was! I love no school days. They are the best! Today we went to The Living Planet Aquarium in Sandywith the first graders. It was cool, but the best part was just spending a day watching Tyson interact with his friends and teachers. He is such a good little guy, despite my worries the first few years of his life! (There is still hope for Carter who is following Tysons busy little footsteps!) We had a great day and thought we'd share a few pictures with you. Obviously when an ordinary field trip makes the blog...we have a very uneventful life! I hope it stays that way! I dont know if you can tell from the picture of me...but I think I broke my nose this weekend. My nose is bruised, swollen, and also around my eyes. I never went to the dr. so I don't know for sure, but if sure feels broken! Owch! I know my pictures look dumb again, somebody PLEASE help me! I really can't spend the time to figure it out. HELP! Brenda was rushing me into another here it is. I'm not near as talented or patient at this as some of you are. Like it or leave it! Today was fieldtrip, swim team, soccer game, I ran 3 miles, then had 12 beehives at my house for mutual. Busy day...can't wait for the weekend! 5 days of no school and work..that means it's PARTY time at our house!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Bragging Rights

I have rights. One of those rights as a mother is the right to brag about our children. So, I'm bringing' it on tonight. My daughter made the USSA swim team today!!! It was sooo exciting, I am still a little high from it all. Need a little excitement in your life? Try swim competitions. Seriously I had NO idea how much fun and how exhilarating it was to watch. I can't imagine actually competing...I'd probably have cardiac arrest! All three kids tried out today and Kylie is now officially on the USSA team! Sydney and Tyson, because of their age, are going to a few lessons of pre-competition before they can compete officially, but let me tell you they won't be far behind. A few days is all I figure. Sydney was by far the best swimmer there. Her stroke is beautiful. We couldn't believe she didn't make it. I guess not one kid in that age group made it so it must be standard for them to start in pre-comp. Apparently her kick was not legal in the breast stroke though, so that was what they want to work on with her. I din't know there was such a thing as an illegal kick. Can you go to jail after your first offense? They worked so hard that I was physically exhausted after watching them. For a complete hour they swam back and forth an Olympic size pool, doing breast, butterfly, back, and freestyle swimming. At one point I looked at Tyson and he was totally green as if he was going to puke, yet he kept swimming as hard as he could. He absolutely loved it. His dad says he has his natural butterfly stroke, I could hardly tell what he was doing. (Brian was on the USSA for a long time too) Guess I'm not the swimmer here. Anyway...I will be living at the pool now, so if you ever need me... just call there. Just ask for the crazy hyper mom pacing up and down the pool getting a little too worked up! It will be my new home. Monday -Thursday from 4:30-7p.m.. Yikes! Then Kylie and Sydney have gymnastics in between all of the swimming. Over scheduling you say? You're right! But we'll try it for a month and see how it goes. The only good thing is that there is a gym at the place so maybe I will get in a little much needed exercise while the kids are swimming! Its that or sit in my car and have a good nap, We'll see what happens. Ok I've bragged enough. They were just worked so hard and I am so proud of them already. They haven't even won a race yet! I remember when Kylie could hardly walk and she would try to jump into pools. We seriously couldn't keep her away! I should have seen this coming! OK...I am finished. Next blog I will be more humble. ...maybe. So, I haven't figured out how to write something by the actual picture and I don't want to take the time to in these pictures Kylie is treading water...for 20 min! Tyson is coming up for air in the breast stroke, and Sydney is getting ready to dive in off the block.