Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What is it with me and Olympic Games?

When I was 9 years old my twin sister, Heather, and I came up with a game we called "the Olympics." About the only event I really remember competing in was the hurdles. Here is why. We set up a laundry basket towards the end of our long hallway. We would run down the hall and jump over the basket. Whoever jumped the furthest over the laundry basket was the winner. I'm sure we jumped pretty far, with our long legs and all. All was going well until one jump, my foot caught the end of the laundry basket and I went down. My elbow hit a random 2x4 that was lying around from the current remodel project Dad was in the middle of. OUCH! It hurt sooo bad! Since I was never overly dramatic, nobody even blinked an eye when I started to scream bloody murder. I went in to show my Dad the injury, absolutely hysterical. Mom was at some kind of a church meeting. Well, Dad, being the sympathetic guy he is, simply said "I think you just need to go to bed." There was no mark at all on my arm. No bruise, no swelling, not even a red mark! How could that be? It hurt sooo bad! Being the obedient child that I was, I headed straight to bed. About 2 hours later I still hadn't fallen asleep. My arm was KILLING me! I figured my Mom would be home, and maybe I would get a little more sympathy from her. I went into her room and showed her my arm. Much to both of our surprise, it was HUGE and swollen, and hard as a rock. Thankfully my nurse of a mother took me straight to the hospital where I was taken back for emergency surgery. I had to stay AWAKE for the surgery because I had just eaten pizza a few hours earlier. I had cracked the growth plate in my elbow and it was hemorrhaging inside. They cut it open from my elbow to my wrist, and just left it open for about a week for the swelling to go down. They tried 3 different times to go in and close it, but it was too swollen each time. So, a week in the hospital and a scar a foot long later, I am good to go.
So last night Brian, Tyson, and I went to pack meeting which was a "Cub Olympics." Fun, fun time! As we were leaving I thought I would give the hurdles one more try. I was wearing flip flops and when I landed my ankle twisted. I should have remembered hurdles do not like me. Or maybe the Olympics do not like me. Anyway, my ankle is swollen and bruised, and probably sprained or something. Just when I was finally getting back into running after 2 mos off! Urgg. Curse those hurdles!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


This is what I am surrounded by. I LOVE it! These mountains are one of my favorite things about Utah. Yes, I hate the snow. But I really, really love the mountains. This morning I went on a little walk, and at the top of a hill near my house I just stared down at the beautiful mountains on all sides of me. Somehow, everytime I really take time to look at the mountains it puts life into perspective. They are so grand, so enormous, and so breathtaking. They could only have been formed by our Creator. They remind me that every day life is so insignificant in the grand scheme of things. It makes me realize there is a plan for each of us, and we are not in control. It lifts me up and gives me hope, peace, and pure happiness. I am so grateful for the beauty that surrounds me. And I am especially glad the snow is high in the mountains right now, and not in the valley. Just as it should be! Spring just might be finding it's way here. Just maybe.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Finally! Some swimming video!

I know...I know. It's been a while! I am really struggling keeping my posts even remotely up to date! Things are good! It is the kids Spring Break and we didn't have any great plans because I have to work, but last minute we decided to fly the kids up to California to spend some time in the sun with cousins. We all headed down and spent a day in the sun. It was FABULOUS! Oh how I LOVE the sunshine! Then Brian and I headed home so we could go back to work. YUK! The kids stayed and are apparently having a FANTASTIC time! Thanks to Brenda, Trevor and kids! They are great entertainers! Brian is back in California today spending the day at the beach and then they are all flying home tomorrow. I miss the kids terribly so I am sooo excited they will be here soon! I am sure glad my family can enjoy my flight benefits while I am here working. Ugg!! Something is wrong with this picture! I think I may have figured out how to post some video. It really was a computer error and not user error this time!Here are the girls in their last short course meet of the season. Sydney is in the purple cap with the purple and black suit. Kylie has the silver cap and the black and purple suit. Nice job girls!Of course I had to post a race that they won! More spring break photos coming soon!