Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Finally! Some swimming video!

I know...I know. It's been a while! I am really struggling keeping my posts even remotely up to date! Things are good! It is the kids Spring Break and we didn't have any great plans because I have to work, but last minute we decided to fly the kids up to California to spend some time in the sun with cousins. We all headed down and spent a day in the sun. It was FABULOUS! Oh how I LOVE the sunshine! Then Brian and I headed home so we could go back to work. YUK! The kids stayed and are apparently having a FANTASTIC time! Thanks to Brenda, Trevor and kids! They are great entertainers! Brian is back in California today spending the day at the beach and then they are all flying home tomorrow. I miss the kids terribly so I am sooo excited they will be here soon! I am sure glad my family can enjoy my flight benefits while I am here working. Ugg!! Something is wrong with this picture! I think I may have figured out how to post some video. It really was a computer error and not user error this time!Here are the girls in their last short course meet of the season. Sydney is in the purple cap with the purple and black suit. Kylie has the silver cap and the black and purple suit. Nice job girls!Of course I had to post a race that they won! More spring break photos coming soon!


Nat said...

Way to go girls!!! My favorite part is listening to your Dad. does he think you can hear him?! JK :-)

Louise said...

Wow, that was a little tense just watching the video! Awesome job girls!! Keep up the good work!