Friday, December 7, 2007

Happy Birthday Tyson!! 7 years old!!

I can't believe it! My baby is 7 years old today. I can't imagine my life without this little boy in our family. It wasn't always that way. Besides the fact he tried to kill me several times while I was pregnant with him...he also put me in the hospital for quite a while after he was born. Then he got RSV when he was 4 weeks old and made me miss my grandfathers funeral. He was a sweet baby, so I knew it was all worth it. Then he turned one. Life changed, and this little guy gave me a run for my money like I had never faced before. I started cursing the day I had prayed for a boy. Ask anyone, this was not your typical little boy. He was a major challenge...I wasn't ready for a boy so it was a major challenge for me! He had a mind of his own, and it was his way or NO WAY!! Then gradually he started getting sweeter and sweeter, and now I can't believe what a darling little guy he is. He truly wants other people to be happy and is very thoughtful. He is always bringing me gifts, and drawing me pictures. We love him so much and he is such a special part of our family. He loves his sisters very much and is so good to them. He is my best little buddy and I love spending time with him. Very rarely do I go anywhere with out my little "shadow!" I wouldn't have it any other way! Tyson loves to fish, play soccer, swim, and spend time with his cousins. He is a great student, especially in math. I am so grateful for this little boy in our family, and the energy he brings to our home. Happy 7th Birthday Tyson, I love you!!! P. S. I know I should have done a slide show...haven't quite figured that out either!


Brooke said...

Happy birthday Tyson! You need to come and play with Taylor. He would absolutely love it. Get all the cousins together and make the "long" journey up here to see us. Hope you had a great day. We will need to celebrate! xoxo

Brenda said...

Happy Birthday big guy! I forgot for a minute how teeny he was! So cute! I don't think anyone could every give a better hug than Tyson. We love you buddy and can't wait to seen in 16 days!