Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tyson's Birthday party was a real "knockout!"

Tyson being Tyson

Tyson 2 min later..and after the blood was wiped away

Daddy makes everything better!

Seriously...Tyson's party was a real knockout! Or should I say Tyson knocked out his front tooth at his party? Here's the story....Tyson decides it would be real fun to go to Jump on it for his party. It is a place with like 50 trampolines all lined up for the kids to get out any energy dying to escape. Last time we went to Jump on it Tyson pulled a muscle in his neck and couldn't move his entire head/neck for at least 2 days after that. But no...he begs to go back. It's his 8th Birthday...the last thing I want to do was ruin his off we go. We had been there seriously 2 min ( I had taken 2 pictures) when Tyson jumps straight into a jumping block and knocks his front tooth out. Two more teeth are knocked very loose! Luckily they were all baby teeth. Guess it pays off to be 8 and only have lost 3 teeth! He is hysterical and wants to go home. I'm sure it hurt bad...his whole mouth looked beat up! Anyway...the nice people at the place give us a coupon to come back for free anytime...and we headed home and ate cake and ice cream with the cousins and Grandma and Grandpa. Tyson was exhausted after everyone left and he fell asleep at 6:30. Poor guy...I am sure this is NOT what he had planned for his birthday but we tried to make it up to him the next day. I am still not convinced I am ever going back to that place to use the free coupon...somehow that trip will have a injury and end up being anything but free, when we end up at the emergency room!


Heather said...

Hey at least it made for a good blog entry!

Becky Noftle said...

I'm so glad he didn't "bruise his brain".

Brenda said...

I think Becky meant "Bwoose my bwain". Poor Tyson! We can't wait to see you all! Only 10 more days!!!

Louise said...

I'm sorry Tyson. If you just weren't so...Tyson! You know what I mean bud? Oh well, there will be more parties to come!