Friday, January 23, 2009

Good News/ Bad News

I have been feeling a bit down lately. I have been feeling extremely blessed lately. Let me explain...

Bad News: This inversion we are in is dark, cold, gloomy, foggy and depressing. Our air quality is worse than down town LA. We are told to stay indoors. It's been over a week now!
Good News: We are getting a storm this weekend which should blow all the gunk out! I can't wait to see the mountains, and get outside in the fresh air again!

Bad News: We are soooo busy at my work lately, that I am seriously losing it.
Good News: I am probably not getting laid off anytime soon, unlike most of America.

Bad News: The economy stinks, and because of my job...that is what I hear ALL DAY LONG!
Good News: Brian has a lot of work right now...which in this economy is nothing short of a miracle!

Bad News: I have gained 10 lbs with my crazy schedule, which when you are 4'11" means your clothes no longer fit!
Good News: I got 3 new pairs of pants and a new skirt as a result!

Bad News: There are days that I feel like being Young Women's President is taking over my life.
Good News: I love my 25 girls so much, I learn so much from them, and my counselors are among my very best friends. It is a joy to serve with them. I am growing tremendously!

Bad News: I hate, hate, hate my kids being gone to school all day.
Good News: They LOVE school, and have fabulous friends and teachers. (I didn't say they love homework, however!)

SO...this is kind of how I am feeling today. A little down...a LOT up. Sometimes, life seem overwhelming, but I know it is so important to look for the good in life, and count our many blessings every day. After all, they are not hard to find!


Brenda said...

I hear you on everything but the school thing. Most days I wish Carson were in school all day too! You're a much better mommy than me!

Brooke said...

What a cute post. Miss you. I need your email address. I have a thank you card that i need to mail and don't have your home address. xoxo

melanie said...

I was just listening to the talk from Elder Eyring about recognizing the hand of the Lord. You did a great job Holli. We have to look for the good or else it can get us down! Love you.

Emmilee said...

Good outlook on life Holly! The positive usually does outweigh the negative. I know how you feel completely with the "life overwhelming" factor. That is life right!!
BTW-your blog looks way cute!

Becky Noftle said...

I'm with Brennie-most days sending four of them off to school is just fine, but does it have to start so early??!

Louise said...

I think what you just described is called "life". Its not that easy, but if you keep remembering the "good news" part you'll make it, one day at a time. Love you! Oh-happy birthday to Sydney, I'll call later today.

T said...

Love this post Holly! I have a hard time seeing the good in the bad. This is a good reminder that most dark clouds have a silver lining. I'm with Brenda. Let's just say I don't home school for the safety of my children.