Thursday, April 15, 2010


This is what I am surrounded by. I LOVE it! These mountains are one of my favorite things about Utah. Yes, I hate the snow. But I really, really love the mountains. This morning I went on a little walk, and at the top of a hill near my house I just stared down at the beautiful mountains on all sides of me. Somehow, everytime I really take time to look at the mountains it puts life into perspective. They are so grand, so enormous, and so breathtaking. They could only have been formed by our Creator. They remind me that every day life is so insignificant in the grand scheme of things. It makes me realize there is a plan for each of us, and we are not in control. It lifts me up and gives me hope, peace, and pure happiness. I am so grateful for the beauty that surrounds me. And I am especially glad the snow is high in the mountains right now, and not in the valley. Just as it should be! Spring just might be finding it's way here. Just maybe.


Becky Noftle said...

Let's hope spring is here. I'm glad you got the chance to recharge, I know working full time is draining. One day at a time, sometimes one hour, sometimes one minute--you can do it, just a little longer.

Shannon said...

Grandma would always mention her love for the mountains when we were in Utah. You must get that from her!

Granny DeeAnn said...

You might get the love of the Utah mountains from me. They bring me to tears. Yes, and I'm just looking at them on your blog. You'll think I'm nuts but I really feel them at the core of my being. A true gift from God. Thanks for the reminder. Love you, AD

Brenda said...

It's been spring for a while now sister. You just have to come visit me to find it! I remember Grandma always saying how much she loved and missed the mountains too. Remember all the pictures she used to take of them? I miss her! And you! Love you!