Saturday, November 10, 2007

Exciting stuff!

So Tyson has finally lost his first tooth. He was very anxious as a lot of his friends lost their teeth last year! I kept telling him it was because his teeth were so tough! It didn't really help. What's sad is that I actually cried when he lost it. My baby is growing up. Pathethic, I know...but it's like he's losing his baby teeth...getting grown up teeth. I really don't like it. Anyway, he was very concerned that the tooth fairy was going to take his tooth away, because he wanted to keep it! I told him I would e-mail the tooth fairy and let her know. Thank heavens she got the e-mail in time! Sydney just finished a RAD kids program of self defense. Don't ask me what the RAD stands for.,..I can't remember. You can look it up online and see if there is classes in your area. Anyway...all the 4th graders do it at our school and it is a really neat program. It teaches them how to get away from a "bad" person if they are being abducted or attacked. It also teaches saftey from internet, to fire, to just about everything! Here are some cute pictures of Sydney fighting off the bad guy. She may be little, but boy she can be fiesty! I feel confident that no one would mess with her once she starts fighting back! Kylie has her first swim meet a week from today. Brian is so excited he can hardly stand it! I am so nervous I can hardly stand it! So check back next week...hopefully I'll get around to blogging about her first meet experience. Keep your fingers crossed for her!


Shannon said...

WOW! That picture in Hawaii looks like you are on the show, LOST.

Congrats on the tooth Tyson. If it makes him feel any better my son, Josh, has only lost two teeth and he will be 8 years old next month. I will have to use your line and tell him his teeth are tough.

melanie said...

I know the feeling! Nathan keeps telling me stuff I think he's too little to know or learn about. Like the other day it was wind resistance. What?! It's fun to watch but man it makes my heart ache how fast they grow.

I took forever to loose teeth too. I always wanted my name on the board at school.

Becky Noftle said...

Way to go Sydney you can teach a RAD class to my kids at Christmas, I might even make it a paying job for you!! By the way Sierra hope Santa brings her everything he brings you, Syd! My fingers are crossed for Kylie, starting to cramp already but it's so worth it. I hope the tooth fairy in your town isn't as stupid as the one in our town. Some whacked out fairy here is giving kids money and a toy---not in my house we have the NORMAL tooth fairy with no ambitions to play Santa.

Brenda said...

Money and a toy? Someone take the TF's weed away. I can't afford to keep up with the Jones'. Way to be Tyson. Preston has stalled at 2 teeth. They are growing in now and he looks fittingly akward. I'm sad I won't be there for Kylie's meet, but sort of glad. Andersen's are too competitive for their own good. We'd be kicked out for sure. That's alright though, Syd can take 'em.