Sunday, October 28, 2007

Just another week....

So, absolutely nothing exciting happened this week. Just another week. I guess that is a good thing. I have tried 3 times to do a slide show...and as I am just about finished I get an error and my whole computer shuts down. I am done trying that for now. Advice anyone? Sydney got passed off to Level III gymnastics. Way to go Sydney! She really is a natural! Kylie is getting ready for her first swim meet. It is middle of November. She is getting stronger everyday and it is so fun to watch her improve, and push her limits each week. Wednesdays is their "land day" and they run 3 miles, do 100 pushups, 50 sit ups, and do stairs for 20 min. You should have seen her the first week. Her teammates were calling her an indian because her face was so red. She is still red at the end of land day, but much less red! Tyson sat very reverently during the primary program today, so that was his big accomplishment for the week. Me...well, I got my hours in at work, had 3 YW meetings, sat at the Legacy Pool for 9 hours this week, and got caught up on laundry, for about an hour. Pretty good week, I have to say. We can't wait for the Holidays to see all the family. We miss everyone! But for now, we are happy to enjoy... just another week.


Brenda said...

Way to go Wadelings! I think I should do 100 pushups and 50 situps and run and do stairs, then maybe my abs would look like Tysons. Who's house are they in front of?

Shannon said...

I hear you on the laundry!

melanie said...

It never does end. Same story different week. I feel the same way. You kids are so cute.

Becky Noftle said...

Actually Holly unless your entire family walked around naked for one hour, you were not caught up with the laundry "for about an hour". Depressing but true facts from your everloving old sister.