Friday, March 21, 2008

Camping at Clear Creek with the 5th Graders

Wow! What a weekend! I went on a "fieldtrip" with Kylie....this was an overnight camping trip with the 5th grade girls (80 of them!) in the mountains! I was able to go with Kylie's class to Clear Creek and we had a great time! There was four feet of snow, and it was cold, but absolutely beautiful! We made robots, bracelets, frames, warm fuzzy's, tie died shirts, snowshoed, made and shot rockets, performed skits, watched movies, and stayed up late. No wonder I am exhausted!! We had so much fun, and it was a great bonding experience between all the girls, and they became even closer as a class. They had a wonderful time together. I love the girls at this is so fun to watch them interact with their friends and teachers. It made me so proud of Kylie. She is a great helper, and a friend to everyone. Only one complaint...these girls like to giggle all night's like to sleep. Doesn't work well together in the same cabin! Oh well...sooo worth it! I tried to do another slide show..but it kept shutting down my windows. So here is a few pictures of our adventure! Also Kylie got her hair highlighted this weekend for the first time. Heather and I decided we are tired of paying $50-$100 to stay we wanted to start highlighting each others hair, and just do it ourselves. Lucky Kylie got to be the guiney pig and we practiced on her. Thank heavens all 3 of us are finished with no major accidents. Looks pretty good for a first timer...if you ask me! Here is also a picture of during and after Kylies highlight. Hope you you all had a great Easter!


Louise said...

I'm a little sad about how grown up Kylie is getting, but I know she is in good hands with you! I'm glad you enjoyed your sleepless night. Oh- congrats on getting your "work at home" job. Let me know how your meeting turns out tomorrow. Love, Mom

Brenda said...

Kylie-you are a brave soul my friend! I'm glad your hair didn't fall out. It was very selfless of you to volunteer your head. Holly-you are a brave soul my friend. I remember me at 11 years old and I was NO picnic! Let us know how tomorrow goes. I'm excited for you!

melanie said...

I'm cracking up over Kylie and her hair. I thought you guys swore off home jobs. Haven't there been too many mishaps? Kylie looks cute and I agree with your mom, it's sad that she actually getting that old!

And camping in general doesn't appeal to me, let alone camping with 5th graders. I'm glad you had a good time with them.

Post again with how yesterday went even though I have no idea what your mom and Brenda are talking about, ha! I just like to be in the know.

Becky Noftle said...

Yeah-what is everyone talking about. You guys never tell Mel and me anything bullies. Kylie you are one blonde bombshell!

T said...

Wow, an overnight field trip?!!! Sounds fun and exhausting! Kylie's hair looks great! You guys did a really good job. I don't think I would dare attempt that. I tried coloring my hair once and ended up looking like Snow White. Jet black hair does not suit me.