Sunday, April 6, 2008

Amazing Gracie

Brian says I need help. I am totally addicted to this blog of a sweet little girl named Gracie. I am blaming it on Heather and Brenda who got me addicted in the first place.I don't know her family, but somehow I feel connected. Gracie is 2 weeks old and fighting a congenital heart defect. Maybe thats where the connection is for me? Been there, done that. She has almost passed on a few times, but is currently improving. She is here in SLC at Primary Childrens. Her story is one of faith and testimony building. It makes me so grateful for the health that I enjoy and more importantly, the health of my children. Life is fragile, but our Heavenly Father is aware of our struggles, and comforts us when in need. I hope your faith can increase as mine has from this sweet family I have never met, yet feel so close to. I know first hand how faith and prayers can heal. If you feel like a good cry, or a renewal in faith and prayers, check it out. I am so thankful for my healthy family, and am constantly praying for those who need our prayers right now. Their blog is


Brenda said...

Blame Heather. She got me started on it. I'm hooked on her too. What an amazing story!

T said...

Holly- I think the blog address you typed is incorrect? Let me know. I am the same problem. The little guy I'm keeping an eye on is Charlie. This past January at 9 months old he became sick with what they thought was the flu, but was actually spinal meningitis. He has suffered permanent hearing loss, and brain damage, and is still in the hospital. His blog is I don't know his family or friends. It's made me cry several times just seeing how proud they are of his strength, and seeing their strength through such a difficult and emotional trial!

T said...
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Holly said...

oops! Sorry...the address is

Heather said...

I can totally see Tyson hopping around trying to convince you to write the note. I'm smiling just thinking of it. What would we do without Tyson?? Love him to death!

Heather said...

oops- I posted on the wrong one! Supposed to be on the tooth one! I suck at this blogging thing.

Louise said...

Tell Brian I am addicted to the same blog. Its contagious I guess. Mom