Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tyson and Sydney 1st day of School

We took a little final hoorah trip the day after school started. Who says you can't celebrate the first day of school by missing the second? We went to Lake Powell and enjoyed a day at the beach. The weather was so great and we only got the van stuck in the sand twice! The kids loved, loved, loved jet skiing, and cliff jumping. Don't have pictures of either, because cameras and water don't do well together. But trust me, the kids were all smiles! We got to see the biggest sandstorm Brian and I had ever seen in our lives. It was literally an huge wall covering the whole horizon, of pink sand coming at us. They actually evacuated all the beaches, but not quite soon enough. Brian was out on the Lake when it happened and thought it was great fun jumping the jet skis over the HUGE waves, until he started getting pelted with sand. He said it felt like he was getting hit with a sand blaster. OUCH! He rushed back into the shore, with no harm done! The sandstorm lasted a couple hours. So we went bowling, to dinner, and ice cream instead of the Lake the 2nd day. Hey, we are flexible like that. On our way home we stopped in Kanab to visit with the Grandparents. Grandpa White (who turned 90 in May) let the kids wreak havoc in his garden, and we came away with bags full of carrots, tomatoes, squash, and green beans. They were all soooo yummy! We even got to see 2 bucks just chilling in his garden, until Grandpa chased them away. I guess he doesn't like sharing his hard work with the wild life. Can't say I blame him. Then Grandma Wade fed us yummy lunch and let the kids feed her hummingbirds. We had such a great time, and we got to visit each grandparent for a couple of hours. I am so glad we stopped because the kids really got to spend some quality time getting to know their great grandparents better. They are such great examples, and so fun to be with!
Tyson has been really into praying mantis lately, they are EVERYWHERE around our house!) and his favorite thing to do is catch them, and then let them wander around his room. Seriously? Someone should have warned me that scooping up praying mantis's off your son's bed, and wall, and floor, was in the job description for Mother.
Well, school is in full swing, and so far so good. Tyson has been hesitant to say the least on a few days, but all in all the kids are loving this new school, and new year. They have great teachers, and Sydney and Tyson have loved riding their bikes to school every morning. I keep telling them to enjoy it because the snow will be here before we know it! End of summer/the start of fall is my favorite time of year!

Dad and Tyson having fun at the Lake

Sydney takin' it easy!

Beautiful Lake Powell

YUM! Picking fresh vegetables!

Grandpa helping the kids wash the carrots

Grandpa giving those deer a piece of his mind!

Off they go to find a new garden to raid!

Tyson with one of his many new friends



Jenise said...

Fun times. I miss Lake Powell,but not the storms there. I am jealous you got to get so much yummy vegi's from my grandpa's garden. JEALOUS!!!

Heather said...

Seriously- what is deal with the praying mantis'. We currently have one Dexter lovingly named "madness".

Brenda said...

Sometimes I'm irritated when my boys get scared of bugs and spiders and relatives of bugs and spiders, but after seeing your blog, I have to say I'm okay with it now. Love and miss you guys!

Becky Noftle said...

Sounds like a good trip. If you come to Aunt Becky's right now you can have tomatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and tomatoes.

Louise said...

And if you come to Grandma's house you can get Tomatoes and cherry tomates.
What a great trip for your family to take, so glad you took the opportunity to get out of town and relax for a few days! Now back to work and school. Here's to a great school year for all of you! That means you too Tyson!! Love you all.

Brooke said...

Holy cow... I would be freaking out about bugs in the bedroom. I guess I am weird that way. Glad you all had fun in powell. So jealous. xoxo

T said...

That last picture cracks me up. It looks like that Praying Mantis is no longer with us. Great pictures! Sounds like you made some great memories.