Monday, September 28, 2009

September Fun

I can't believe September is almost over. Seriously? The highlight of the month for us was : GETTING GRASS! We laid sod a week ago today. It was back breaking work, literally. I pulled a muscle or something in my back and have been pretty much down all week. Saturday I felt good enough to climb to Timp Caves, and had a good day yesterday too. But the entire week was a wash for me. URGG. I will seriously empathize with people and back pain now. I have never felt so frustrated or helpless. Not to mention that Brian was out of town deer hunting all week too! Sigh. He should be back today sometime, just as my back is finally on the mend! Doesn't the grass look awesome though. It was probably worth it....I'm just not quite to the point of admitting it yet. I'm still bitter :)

This was a team effort for sure!

A view from the side

Sydney enjoying the fruits of her labor!

This was the easier of the back breaking tasks. Lifting the HEAVY pieces of sod is what did me in!

A view from the front. Whew! All done.

We climbed Timp Caves yesterday. I LOVE Timp caves. The hike up is challenging, but not too hard. It is beautiful and peaceful, and inside the caves are really cool. This is the 2nd time this month we have done it...and if it were up to me, we would go every Saturday. I am pretty sure I will not be able to drag Kylie up there again for a while. It is not an easy hike, and she is 13 after all. To say the least, she didn't want to go yesterday. She did go, and ended up having fun, although I don't think she will admit it. Tyson and his new BFF Carter (other than his cousins, of course) practically RAN up the mile and a half STEEP mountain. They were seriously crazy, those boys! Somebody has got to find a way to harness little boys energy and bottle it up! I know I can drag those two up anytime...they loved it as much as I did. They were a little disgusted at how slow the rest of us were though. They said they got tired of "waiting" around for us! I did beat them down the mountain though. I had to go BAD, and so I ran down, which they kept telling me was against the rules. Which it is, but when you gotta go, you gotta go!

Just starting our hike

Break Time!

This is how Kylie felt about the day! LOVE it!

These two are inseperable!

View of the Valley below. If I remember right, this is about half way up. (THe dark haired girl is Syd's friend CJ.

Grandma and the kids inside the cave

The kids and I inside the cave

Brian did get a deer on Friday morning. Maybe it was Saturday...I don't really remember. I just know he has been gone for a long time, and I am ready to have him home! He was disappointed it wasn't a bigger deer, but his Dad still has a tag, so they are hoping to shoot a bigger one before today. Either way, my kitchen is about to become a slaughter house. I do like the jerky once it is all finished, so I won't complain. As long as I don't have to do the butchering, and just the eating.

Jackson, I thought of you often this week, buddy. As I laid in bed for what felt like FOREVER with my injured back, I knew that what you were going through was a LOT harder than what I was going through. And I knew if you had a smile on your face, and were being a trooper (which I knew you were) then so could I. Thanks for being my inspiration. We are praying hard that your mouth sores, nausea, and fatigue are about to be kicked to the curb!

You'll be swinging high again soon buddy! Hang tight!

We are looking forward to a great week with some very exciting visitors! They might be from California. Hooray! We are thrilled to no end! Family pictures are in order too, since it has been like....geesh I don't even know when we took the last ones! Swim team is about to start, the weather is changing, and the stinking deer hunt is ALMOST over! It really is the end of September, isn't it? Bring on those beautiful fall colors.


Heather said...

I was LOVING Kylies attitude Saturday. It makes me so grateful I don't have teenagers. . . yet! Seriously though, it made me smile- and chuckle just a little that we used to be exactly like that. Warn me when the deer is coming home. I can't even handle that smell- I'm staying miles away!

Heather said...

I was LOVING Kylies attitude Saturday. It makes me so grateful I don't have teenagers. . . yet! Seriously though, it made me smile- and chuckle just a little that we used to be exactly like that. Warn me when the deer is coming home. I can't even handle that smell- I'm staying miles away!

Brenda said...

Seriously, I have the biggest smile on my face. I'm so stinking excited! Save some of that jerky for me...I love it! I've got my camera all charged and ready. Even if you don't get cards sent out this year, at least I'll have a family picture of you! 3 more days!

melanie said...

Great catch up post Holly. I'm in awe that September is almost over. How?!!

A deer? In your kitchen? You are GOOD wife!!

You look so good Holly! The hike looks fun. Well for everyone except Kylie that is, ha. Oh teenagers, I'm scared.

Louise said...

The grass looks awesome! I'm not sure it was worth all your pain, but it IS pretty. It will help so much this winter. And Kylie, buck up honey, you'll be dragging your kids up that mountain just like I drug your Mom and sisters up that mountain before you know it. Wish I could be with you and your "California visitors" this weekend. Give them all hugs and kisses from Grandma.

Granny DeeAnn said...

Thanks for the update Holly. I take it you got a new camera? Love the pictures of the hike. That's the only way I could "enjoy" it. I'm with Kylie.... Teenager vs old lady ummmm about the same only without the energy!!!!

Granny DeeAnn said...

PS... awesome picture of Jackson!

Brooke said...

Love it! Just in time for the snow to cover it up! Holly you look just like one of the kids. So stinkin cute! We ditto everything you said about Jackson. We are always thinking about him and hoping he is doing ok. Love you guys and miss you all! xoxo

T said...

Congrats on your grass! Janine told me that you guys had a great time hiking. I would love to do that again. Last time was in 6th grade! I heard Kylie was a big help and support to Grandma on the hike :0) !! My mouth is watering just thinking about fresh jerky. Looks like everyone is having a great fall, so far!

Becky Noftle said...

How come Heather never lays sod at my house? Kylie lets hike timp caves this summer with Sammi and you two can have a complaining contest, the winner rubs my feet when we get back down. Thanks for the bit about Jax, man wouldn't we all line up for miles, to take some of his suffering for him.

Nat said...

thanks again for taking carter along for so many of your fun times. we love that he has a good friend with a great family!