Saturday, May 10, 2008

Time to Catch up!

 I've been a bit of a slacker lately. Time just seems to get away from me...and before I know it, 3 weeks have passed since my last post. Sorry about that! So a few things that have happened over the last little bit....

1. Kylie had a Hope of America performance the end of April. 5,000 students in the Alpine School Disctrict get together and sing patriotic songs, and there are a few other performances too. It was really cool, we totally loved it! Brians Mom came and enjoyed the show with us. They sat in colored shirts that created a flag. Very creative! There was some cool slide shows, that of course made us all cry. 25,000 people were there.

2. Swim meet...I have no pictures of this...only camcorder, which it is NOT letting me share. The girls did great and won 3 ribbons each. It was a 50 meter pool which is twice the length of the pool they practice in. I thought they were going to die when they looked at the pool for the first time, but neither had to be rescued, and they swam their hearts out. Way to go girls!!

3. Wesleys baptism. No pictures of course, but check Becky, Heather, and Brendas blog...they've got me covered. It was so great to have everyone in town. We had so much fun. Especially those boys. We had a hard time separating them when it was time to go. We're so glad everyone made the LONG drive to be here. It makes me sad how far away we all are. It is just WRONG!

4. Trents graduation. (Brians youngest brother) Trent graduated from SUU with a composite Engineering degree. (3 Engineering degrees ..WOW!)We were sad we couldn't be there...but it was the same day as the swim meet, and Wesley's baptism. Since I only get to see my family twice a year...and we get to see Trent lots, we had no choice. Way to go Trent...we are soo proud of him. Now to get him married. Anyone know a single, wonderful girl in her 20's?

5. Sydney and I went on the 4th grade field trip to Camp Floyd, in Fairfield, UT. She got to make candles, adobe mud bricks, play Pony Express, visit an 1800's original school, shoot a musket for pretend, and a lot of other historical activities. We had so much fun together! The picture of Sydney and the blonde girl is her teacher Mrs. Loader. We LOVE her!

6. We went to Murray High School to the David Archuletta party. He is one of the final 3 contestants in American Idol, in case you have been living in a hole the last few months, and they had a huge homecoming party for him yesterday. These are the kinds of things you get to do when you have 2 pre-teen daughters. It was actually really cool, and we even dragged Dad along with us. He is such a good sport...that's why we love him soo much! We had a blast partying with the city of Murry and David. GO DAVID!! He is awesome! Oh by the way, pictures were courtesy of Tyson who was on Brians shoulders for over an hour! Way to go bud. I do think Brian helped with a few though.

7. After the David party we went to Classic Skate with the rest of the kids' school. They had a blast with all their friends and teachers, and Brian and I had a great time sitting down resting with some friends, recouping from all the David partying we did. The picture of the shoe is mine. Cute shoes, don't you think? Well, I wore them to work thinking I will be sitting down most the day, so I would be fine. Next thing I knew it was 9 p.m. and I had those really cute shoes on for 15 hours. This picture does not show how high these shoes really are! My feet were dead...seriously dead! Owch, I can't even think about it!

I will try to do better at updating so it isn't so overwhelming next time. Life is good at our house, NOT a thing to complain about. Of course, unless you count the blisters on my feet!!


kennyandkristin said...

Looks like you have been busy! Kenny and I were talking about all the crazy David stuff going on. Me, I would have totally gone because it would have been fun to people watch....where as Kenny would have hated it. What a sweet husband to go with the girls and gawk over David. P.S. I love the shoes.

Shannon said...

Yeah for David Archuleta!!!

Shannon said...
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Brenda said...

That is so hilarious that you went to the David party. I'll watch for you tomorrow. By the way, you're shoes are HOT! Beauty is pain my sister:) We loved seeing you and now we miss you more! Love you!

melanie said...

Great photos Tyson! I can't believe he was on Brian's shoulders for an hour!

I'm glad you had a good time with your family. I know what you mean about not seeing them enough. I want more of my mom all the time.

Love the shoes with those tiny feet. :)

T said...

So many fun things! Those shoes are way cute! I love heels, but my feet just were not made to hang out in them. Mine are screaming after 3 hours of church! I can't imagine what you must have been feeling! That flag with the kids in T-shirts looks really cool. What a neat thing for her to be a part of. Sure wish I could see the kids swim. They have swim team here and maybe Corbin will try it next year. It looks like Wesley's baptism was a good time. I am glad you were able to see your family.