Thursday, June 12, 2008

Summer Fun!!

So I've been a bit of a blogging slacker since school got out. Not that I've been lazy...oh no...just having way to much fun to stop and blog! First on the summer list for me was Youth Conference. We went rafting down the Green River for 3 days. What a total blast we had! No one drowned so that was a bonus! I had never been before and I LOVED it! A little nervous at first, but then ended up relaxing and having fun. Most the rapids were class 2 but we went over one class 3. I was happy with the class 2, thank you very much! Thanks to Gma and Gpa Wade for watching the kids for a week so I could go, and kudos to the Bishop for rowing the "princess boat" for all of us female leaders so we could sit back and enjoy the sunshine! Sorry the YC pictures are of strangers...I didn't get any with me in them. Summer swim team is in full force and we are still waiting for those a.m. temps to climb a little. The kids swim at 7:30 and yesterday it was 43deg. YIKES! It is sopposed to get up to 90 by this we are ready for that. The kids are swimming in a long course pool which is twice the length they were used to swimming indoors. Can you say exhausted kids at bed time? It's a beautiful thing! Brian has been out of town since school got out so we are ready for him to come home this weekend, and we can start the summer as a family finally! HOORAY! The basement flood is almost repaired and I am getting very close to working from home. Can't wait! Well, thats a quick summary of what we've been up to. Just a lot of summer fun!


Becky Noftle said...

So Heather must have called you and told you to get your blogging rear in gear too?!

Brenda said...

Thank goodness for Heather. I was starting to feel like you and Becky were strangers. Looks like you're full swing into summer. Our vacation started TODAY! Is it September yet? J/K!

Shannon said...

I have never been river rafting - looks like fun! Can't wait to see everyone in July.

Granny DeeAnn said...

I wish my summer vacation would start! I know one thing for sure when it does I won't be rafting down a river or swimming in an olympic size pool. Have a fun summer!!! :0)

Louise said...

Wish I was getting half the exercise your kids are! Just got off the phone with you, hope Ruby makes it through the night-another good story to blog about, right?

kennyandkristin said...

Good luck working from home. Now, we are going to have to get together because Kenny won't be able to talk you all the time. Also, glad summer has started out so nice for you. I can't believe those kids jumped in the cold water....I would have died in that.