Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Jenise, my sister in law tagged me today. Here goes nothing!

I am .......... going to Hawaii in 4 days!!

I want .......... to be able to eat chocolate all day and stay thin!

I have ..........too many things that I try to do each day!

I wish .......... for the economy to turn around NOW!

I hate .......... my kids being gone to school all day

I fear .......... heights!! HATE airplane rides…wish me luck on my trip to Hawaii!

I hear kids watching haunted mansion

I search .........for my i-pod almost daily. 3 little kids like to “share” it with me!

I always .......... start the day saying I am going running. It happens about twice a week!

I usually too hard on myself

I am not ......... 5 feet tall!! 4’11”

I miss family in WA and CA!

I love vacations…working from home

I never ........... am late for anything

I rarely ...........remember I have a heart condition

I cry church almost every week. Drives my kids CRAZY!!

I am not always ........... good about going to the OB/GYN. I have only been once since I’ve had Tyson. He’s almost 8!

I lose .........bladder control when jumping on a tramp!

I am confused .......... when I help Kylie with math homework!!

I need teach my kids to work harder!

I should ..........go finish getting ready for the day!

I dream ........... of children that serve missions and get married in the temple!

1 comment:

melanie said...

I can't get over your first thing... Hawaii!! Love your height comment, not many people can say that one. Love you.