Thursday, October 11, 2007

Broken or not Broken? That is the Question!

Ok...the story of my maybe broken nose. I never actually went to the I dont know for sure if it is broken...but everyone that saw it right after it happened said they thought it looked broken. Anyway...I just pulled up to Tyson's soccer game last saturday morning. Let me set the scene for you...36 degrees outside and pouring rain...sleet. FREEZING cold...literally. I decide to get his coat out of the trunk (Becky says its called a tail whatever) of the van when I hurry and shut it...right down on my nose. I almost passed out. It hurt like last year when I fell down my stairs and broke by foot (apparently I am a little clutsy...who knew?) takes the breath right out of you. I had to get back in the car and just sit for a few minutes because I almost started to cry. So immediately it swells huge and turns blue...and one side is totally crooked. It looked terrible. Everyone at the game coudln't believe I was actually going to stay and watch Tyson play...but Brian was at work so I really had no choice. Anyway after an hour and 15 minutes of standing ouit in the FREEZING rain (hail a few times) my nose looked totally better...the swelling had gone down...and didn't look quite as crooked. It was like having the worlds coldest ice pack on for an hour right after the injury! I think the cold weather was a blessing in this case! did bruise and swell under my eyes, especially under one eye. Anyway...It has been almost a week and it is now to the yellowish greenish bruise stage. You can bairly see it anymore. I really should have done it a few days ago. I do think the one side still looks a little crooked. What do you think? Anyway, here you go. Me in all my glory, no makeup and looking HOT! P.S. Look at Tysons sliding makes him look like he is good. Really, he just likes to slide and fall to the ground and get dirty! Makes for a good picture though!


Brenda said...

That is a great pic of Tys. Umm, your nose looks broken. I would still go in to the doctor. They might have to break it again if it's not set right (I don't know what I'm talking about but I'm trying to sound like I do). Not fun but it might make for another good blog post, and we know that's what all these experiences are really about. I can't imagine how bad that must have hurt and to have it swell and bruise that fast! Ouch sister! Have fun w/o me this weekend!

Shannon said...

OUCH! That sounds horrible, Holly! And you broke your foot last year? That sounds worse. I love that the cold weather reduced the swelling.
I think I broke my nose when we lived in Austin - and I didn't see a doctor about it. And here I am still alive. Hopefully you will be too! :)

melanie said...

I'm like Brenda, I have no idea what I'm talking about but it looks like it HURTS!! I can't believe you stayed for the game too, I was light headed just reading about how you did it. I'm going to be scared to shut my van now, =). At least you were happy for a cold day.

Brooke said...

uhhhhh Holl... totally broken. Didn't you just break your finger a couple of months ago? hmmm maybe you should just lock yourself into a padded room. xoxo

Becky Noftle said...

Broke her growth plate in her arm too if anyones counting.

Tammy said...

I fell your pain. In 6th grade my friend broke my nose with a tennis racket. I didn't go see a doctor until year later.

Shannon said...

Weren't laundry baskets involved in the broken arm?

Holly said...

Yes I have had two tradgedies with laundry baskets. Broken foot and broken arm..which required 3 surgeries. Its a sign...NO MORE LAUNDRY!!! Thanks made my day!