Monday, October 1, 2007

Bragging Rights

I have rights. One of those rights as a mother is the right to brag about our children. So, I'm bringing' it on tonight. My daughter made the USSA swim team today!!! It was sooo exciting, I am still a little high from it all. Need a little excitement in your life? Try swim competitions. Seriously I had NO idea how much fun and how exhilarating it was to watch. I can't imagine actually competing...I'd probably have cardiac arrest! All three kids tried out today and Kylie is now officially on the USSA team! Sydney and Tyson, because of their age, are going to a few lessons of pre-competition before they can compete officially, but let me tell you they won't be far behind. A few days is all I figure. Sydney was by far the best swimmer there. Her stroke is beautiful. We couldn't believe she didn't make it. I guess not one kid in that age group made it so it must be standard for them to start in pre-comp. Apparently her kick was not legal in the breast stroke though, so that was what they want to work on with her. I din't know there was such a thing as an illegal kick. Can you go to jail after your first offense? They worked so hard that I was physically exhausted after watching them. For a complete hour they swam back and forth an Olympic size pool, doing breast, butterfly, back, and freestyle swimming. At one point I looked at Tyson and he was totally green as if he was going to puke, yet he kept swimming as hard as he could. He absolutely loved it. His dad says he has his natural butterfly stroke, I could hardly tell what he was doing. (Brian was on the USSA for a long time too) Guess I'm not the swimmer here. Anyway...I will be living at the pool now, so if you ever need me... just call there. Just ask for the crazy hyper mom pacing up and down the pool getting a little too worked up! It will be my new home. Monday -Thursday from 4:30-7p.m.. Yikes! Then Kylie and Sydney have gymnastics in between all of the swimming. Over scheduling you say? You're right! But we'll try it for a month and see how it goes. The only good thing is that there is a gym at the place so maybe I will get in a little much needed exercise while the kids are swimming! Its that or sit in my car and have a good nap, We'll see what happens. Ok I've bragged enough. They were just worked so hard and I am so proud of them already. They haven't even won a race yet! I remember when Kylie could hardly walk and she would try to jump into pools. We seriously couldn't keep her away! I should have seen this coming! OK...I am finished. Next blog I will be more humble. ...maybe. So, I haven't figured out how to write something by the actual picture and I don't want to take the time to in these pictures Kylie is treading water...for 20 min! Tyson is coming up for air in the breast stroke, and Sydney is getting ready to dive in off the block.


Brooke said...

Way to go! Kylie!! All of the kids are such great swimmers. It must be handy having a pool next door. Congrats!

Brenda said...

That is so cool! But I can't say I'm suprised! We always knew that your kids were part fish, which is weird since you're scared of fish...Anyway, way to go Wadelings! Note to Bri, start building the trophy cases now.

Becky Noftle said...

Holly what the heck is USSA. Wait don't tell me let me guess. United Swinging Singles of America or Used swimming suits around? Seriously proud of you for letting them do this. Way to go Kylie, Sydney and Tyson--maybe I could hire you guys next summer to give my kids swimming lessons. They have my swimming stroke down--the Dunk and flap. Not as effective as it sounds. Where do you have to go for the Ugly Super Stars of Acron practices, by the way? Where any of my USSA guesses right?

Becky Noftle said...

Oops Were not Where sorry

melanie said...

I remember Tyson swimming before I could understand what he was saying so I'm with Brenda, NOT surprised! What a commitment for you as their mom, you are so nice to take it on. Good luck with all the running around, sitting and stressing at the pool. I'd do the same thing!

Good job Kylie, Sydney and Tyson!!

Shannon said...

Yea to the kiddos! How do kids have that much energy to swim so long? Mine would too, if I would let them. When your kids are teenagers they will be able to make major bucks teaching lessons. Mine took from a 14 year old in the ward who has been competing for years. She was the best teacher! Better start digging a hole in the back yard.

Shannon said...

ps I love the you are afraid of fish! That totally made me laugh... and then miss you!

Brooke said...

Has becky always been so dang funny? I am freakin peeing my pants reading her comments. Too dang funny!

Brenda said...

Brooke-Yes. Becky took all the wit in the family. Selfish isn't she?

Heather said...

I remember when we lived in Provo, and Kylie was only 18 months old. She kept trying to jump into our pool when we weren't in it. She was bound and determined to get in, so I finally got in with her. Holly wasn't there- I was babysitting. She cried and cried when we finally got out of the pool. I knew she would be a swimmer some day! Way to go girl! And Tyson and Sydnee too!

Brenda said...

In case you're checking up on your comments Holly, here's one for you. It's time to post again!!!

Holly said...

I know its time to post again! I just really have to find the time! I have swimming, soccer and then mutual tonight(at my house 12 beehives!) I have nothing exciting happening to blog about!