Saturday, October 20, 2007

Bashing' in Boise!

Becky, Courtney, Mom, Heather and I, and about 12 orphans we found on the way, met in Boise over UEA weekend. It was great fun to see everyone...BUT have you ever tried to actually go anywhere with 12 kids? A little bit of a joke I might say. About the only place we fit in was chuck-e-cheese because nobody saw how many kids we had claim of. There were just hundreds Add Imagerunning wild...ours were a mild 10% of the pack. The mall was a real treat...and so was Old Navy. We got a few stares, but nothing we aren't used to getting even without the kids. See...usually when all the sisters get together one of us ends up getting a new pair of pants because we've laughed so hard that someone ALWAYS has an accident. Usually one of the twins, I will admit. Fun times! I was at Taco Bell the other day when these 5 women and a huge long line of kids come pouring into the place. I was dying at how many kids there were in this one group. It was total chaos trying to get every ones orders and then find a place to sit. Then I counted them...12 kids 5 mothers. Now I know how ridiculous we looked. Somehow we didn't seem as crazy...but I am sure we were 10 times as wild! The kids had a blast though...and we had no damage charges to our hotel. That always makes for a successful weekend! One near drowning was the worst of our drama. ( It was Avery...Courtney jumped in fully clothed and saved her just in time). Never mind she had to go bra-less the rest of the day...she truly was a hero! Avery burped and cried for a minute and then was back in the pool in about 2 minutes. I am really wishing I had a picture of Courtney soaking was classic. I am sure the hotel was ready for us to leave...but we could have stayed forever! Thanks for a great weekend everyone! Next year is Moms only...Brenda get your bags packed now we aren't going without you!


Brenda said...

Seriously! I'm so sad I wasn't there! It looks like it was such fun (with the near drowning excluded). A mom's weekend sounds peachy. Count me in!

melanie said...

Yikes on the near drowning. I'm sure I would have had some sort panic attack after the fact. I hate my nerves.

A mom's only weekend sounds perfect! With all the girls in your family, really it should happen every year! Especially since the baby numbers are starting to dwindle. Fun!

Who's going to confess to the accident this time or was everyone 'in control' this time?

Brooke said...

Do I count as a want to be sister??? Count me in next trip! I have no problems totally inviting myself.

Shannon said...

Look at all those cute kids!

Becky Noftle said...

Brooke, Melanie, Shannon you are totally invited next year on the Mom's only trip. So what if we are mixing sides of the family--Melanie has really poor bladder control she could totally be a Bishop! And if Aunt DeeAnn wants to come that is fine as long as we by depends we can't be stopping to buy pants at every store!