Monday, January 21, 2008

Fishing, bonding, and a bad hair cut

So I know I just posted yesterday and it is very unlike me to post more than once a month...but it was a pretty nutso day at our house. #1- Kylie's mouth ran into Sydneys head last night about 10p.m. Knocked her front permanent tooth completely loose. She also cut the heck out of her lip. Poor thing, it took over an hour to stop bleeding. Once it did, and we could survey the damage, we got ahold of an emergency dentist who said she should be fine to wait until this morning to be seen. So she went in and had it "bonded". It is a cute yellowish looking stripe across her front four teeth to strengthen the loose one until it gets tighter. She loves her new look, good thing because it is with her for 3 weeks! As you can imagine, Kylie remained calm during the entire ordeal. #2 Brian and Tyson went fishing after we got 8" snow last night. Crazy dudes! They had a blast and caught about 30 fish right off our dock at Utah Lake! Mostly Perch and white bass. Brian is in the process of a fish fry right now. Apparently we all get to starve tonight because I am pretty sure he is the only one eating that crap! #3 My dogs hair was driving me crazy last night and when I called her groomer, she couldn't get her in for a I thought " how hard could it really be?" Well...harder than you think! My poor puppy looks awful, and I feel like an idiot! In my defense, I got interrupted right in the middle of my master piece with "Mom I knocked my tooth out!" Oh well...we'll just keep the puppy inside until we can keep that appointment next week that I was too impaient to wait for! Fishing, bonding, and a bad hair cut. What more could you ask for on a day off from school?


melanie said...

Holy cow what a day! Crazy Brian and Tyson. I don't even like to fish on a good day let alone a snowy one! I can't believe Kylie knocked her tooth loose. Her lip looks awful.

I'm cracking up over the dog haircut. I'm sure she wouldn't brag or anything but Grandma could teach you how to do it. :)

Brenda said...

It was 60 degrees today and I froze! Brina and Tys are nutso! If it makes you feel better, our dentist friends says kids teeth are usually pretty good about tightening themselves up. Of course, there's no guarantee...How's Syds head?
Just take clippers to your dog and buzz her. Throw a sweater over her and no ones the wiser:)

Shannon said...

Hey - I like the new look on your blog.

My question is - did all the fish get eaten? I can't imagine my husband coming home with over 30 fish.

Holly said...

Nope not even half the fish got eaten. What a waste of a life! Maybe we will eat them tonight too. I actually tried some because he had spent several hours preparing them. It wasn't too bad...better than I thought anyway!

Brooke said...

OUCH! I swear.... something is always going on in the Wade household. Looks like you guys have ALL been busy. We really do need to get together. Hope Kylie is feeling better. xoxo

Fryer Family said...

Hey you its Fryer I didn't know you had a blog.. Look at our Blog of Livy... Enjoy...