Friday, January 25, 2008

He made it!

So Tyson has been swimming on the pre- competition team since all the kids started in October. He wasn't legal in his breast stroke, and all the other stokes needed work too. So yesterday his coach moved him up to the competition team. He made it! He is sooo excited he can hardly stand still. Literally jumping up and down all night! What Tyson...he never gets jumpy. Once my dad paid him $5 to hold still for 5 minutes. He made it...although it wasn't easy for him..but his love of money pulled him through! Anyway, he has his first meet here in Lehi at our pool on Feb 2nd. He is competing in the 50 freestyle and the 50 butterfly. Surely he will take last place in every event...but he could care less. He is soo excited...I just had to share his good news!


Brooke said...

Way to go Tyson. He is such a little fish! Congrats Mom... three swimmers! You are going to be super busy. xoxo

Brenda said...

You da man Tys! We knew this day would come, when you could swim by yourself at age, what was it? 3? We're proud of you!

T said...

Yeah! You are going to have to give Corb lessons! We are so excited for you. We wished we lived closer so that we could come and watch you! Holly can you take video with your camera?

Holly said...

I don't think I can ...but I have a camcorder that I record every meet...I just have not figured out how to down load it and post it on my blog. Someday when I have the time I will sit and figure it out. SOMEDAY!