Enjoying the view on the way down!
Cool stalactites and stalagmites everywhere!
I wish you could see how Beautiful the inside is!
Duck girls!
A little nervous at first! (dark and cold!)
Finally! Entrance to the Caves!
Getting closer!
About half way up the trail
The start of the hike
After an hour of straight jumping!!
What a fun, yet exhausting weekend!! Last night the kids and I (and Kylie's friend Jenaka) went to Jump On It in American Fork. It is a fun place with about 50-60 trampolines all lined up together where you can jump and jump until your hearts content! There is even tramps up against the wall so you can literally bounce off the walls! The kids had a blast...and so did I. By the time they were finished ...they were literally dripping in sweat. I didn't get to work as hard as they did because my bladder wouldn't let me. It was a ton of fun though! It was a little dangerous, in fact they make you sign all kinds of waivers before you go. Then when we got home Tyson started complaining his neck hurt. It kept him up most of the night and when he woke up he couldn't move at all. Even me rolling in bed next to him made him start to cry. We put heating pads on it and gave him ibuprofen. He seemed a little better by mid morning but was still holding his head funny. We had planned to hike Mount Timpanogos today because it was free to get into the caves today. Well...Tyson decided to stay back with Aunt Heather, and the girls and I headed up the mountain. It was absolutely the perfect day. The weather was gorgeous and the leaves were changing. Not completely in fall colors...but beautiful none the less! After an hour hike, 1.5 miles and a vertical climb of 1,065 feet...we made it to the caves! What a great hike...work up a good sweat...but not too hard that older kids can't do it! Inside the caves it is 43 degrees year round. CHILLY! The girls' eyes were like Christmas morning! They loved every minute of the caves...and took it all in. They are so cool inside, at times having to duck and squeeze to get through, and other huge rooms with little lakes. It is amazing that it is all formed by water...tooke 1-2 millions years to form. We had a great day...the only bad thing was I had to use Kylie's $30 camera from Walmart, because Brian still has mine on the hunting trip. Some pictures turned out....some not so much. I LOVE the beautiful mountains we live by...I could spend every minute up there...unless of course it is winter! (sorry I am retarded and posted the pictures in backwards order, from end to start...oops!)