Monday, September 22, 2008

Random things


I Love Rainbows!

She'll learn...never mess with Dad!

A few random things from this weekend. Sydney and Brian had their Father/Daughter party for activity days. It was a Hawaiian theme just in case you couldn't tell from the picture! They talked and talked about how fun it was. Kylie got tortured from Dad for taking a marker and writing on his arm. Oh paybacks are no fun! He held her to the bed and drew a mustache and beard on her face. It was pretty funny for us who were watching. We had a rainstorm with a beautiful rainbow that followed. I have a thing for rainbow' I took a picture. It was a double rainbow...but by the time I got the camera out only one was still bright. Brian left this morning for a hunting trip, and will be gone all week. We miss him already, but thankfully we are going to be too busy to have time to be sad. He looks so forward to this every year, and was so excited he couldn't stop talking about it. I hope they have a great time. Kylie and Sydney start piano lessons that should be interesting. Better late than never I guess. Tyson's team finally won a football game...but of course I have no pictures. Brenda wanted pictures of Kylie's room (we finished the basement) and Brians new I was finally ready to do that. I went to go snap a few pictures for you....and realized Brian had taken the camera hunting for the week. YIKES! Hope nothing real exciting happens while he is gone!


Heather said...

Geez- I'll make sure to never go anywhere near Brian with a marker! Bully! Call if you need my camera- I'm always just a few minutes away!

Jenise said...

Is that my Dad's hawaiian shirt, because I don't think I have ever seen Brian in anything other than a white t-shirt. He and Sydney look so cute. I am glad you guys get the wrath of Brian now and not me!!! You should live it up while he is gone this week.

Brenda said...

Grrrreat post (say it like Tony the Tiger)! Tell Bri I'm bitter that he took the camera. Like we want to see hunting pictures when there are pictures of home decorating at stake. Gee Whiz! Hope you have fun this week. I'll think of you while I'm in Washington:)

Granny DeeAnn said...

No camera? Not a good thing. Your kids do way too many cute things for dad to take the camera. I see we might need a new something for Xmas! Then he will be welcome to the old one! Hope everyone has a boring week but Brian. Please don't show us the successful results of his hunting trip!!! Kids only....

T said...

Oh boy! That last picture of Kylie is priceless, although it looks like she is trying really hard not to smile. Did Brian get a deer?

Anonymous said...

you have her on the bed dad get her panties off she will be sooooooooooooooooooooo tight