Thursday, September 18, 2008

Holly Homeaker

Thats right! I have a new name for myself after Tuesdays canning project. Earlier this year I had a ton of peaches so I made fruit leather (roll-ups) and YUM they are soo good. We still have tons left in the freezer to last us the winter. Monday night a neighbor brought over a huge box of apples and suggested I make applesauce. I had never done that before but it sounded fun...and I needed something to do after work, to avoid cleaning. Apparently all the thrifty Utah Moms can, because I couldn't find ANY of the supplies I needed anywhere. Finally I found some quart size jars and borrowed a water-bath canner and a strainer from my friend, and got to work. It was actually a lot of fun and I now want to become a full time canner! You should have seen the mess in my kitchen though. Holy COW! It was bad. I didn't get finished until about 10 pm and I was too tired to clean up. I had to work the next morning and when I came up to the kitchen Brian had it sparkling clean for me. What a guy! Anyway...if you have never canned before, I suggest you give it a try! It is fun and made me feel like a real homemaker! I remember canning with my Mom every year...but I guess I never paid much attention though...because this felt totally new to me. The kids are LOVING the applesauce! It was one of those rare days where you feel a great sense of accomplishment!

Apples Galore!

Boiling Apples

Straining Apples

Finished Project! YUM!!!


Brooke said...

WOW... I am totally impressed. You are so patient. I think I would have dropped every swear word in the book having to deal with all of those apples. Way to go! xoxo

Shannon said...

Impressive! The applesauce looks so pretty.

Shannon said...

Though I have a thing with birds (ever since I pulled a dead one out of the dryer vent tubing) so your kitchen border is giving me the shivers. lol.

melanie said...

Good job Holly! I like to play Holly Homemaker this time of year too. I just finished canning peaches and making a ton of peach raspberry jam. I even canned some raspberry pie filling. My friend talked me into it cause she has tons of raspberries. I haven't been brave enough to try applesauce but I should since apples are cheap here. Maybe I'll get some next week at farmer's market....

I'm glad your kids like it! Love the action shots!!

Jenise said...

Now I don't think I could do that. What a woman!!!

Heidi said...

Impressive! You're quite the homemaker and I love your new title. I love homemade applesauce. I want some yummy apples straight from the orchard- hard to find here in the city. Your fruit leather/roll-ups sound really good too.

Granny DeeAnn said...

Holly I hate to break the news to you but... if you like canning you must have some of GMa A's genes in you!! You know Tree Top makes a really good applesauce in nice, neat little one portion containers! J/K I'm sure yours tastes much better!!! Holly Homemaker. I like the sound of it.

Courtney said...

Good Job Holly, only when do we get a taste! I think its fun to do projects like that, I just never do it!

Louise said...

I was glad to read that you remember canning with me, its been so long since I have, I almost forgot. Good for you, its ALOT of work, but a satisfying feeling after its all done.
P.S. The worst part is the cleaning up, Brian needs an extra kiss for that!

Brenda said...

I remember canning grape juice and peaches. I could go for some of that right now. Way to go sister, you're a proper Mormon Wife/Mother now.

Anonymous said...

mom your ass is really hot do you enjoy analsex?